HealFast Drug-Free Pain Relief Device
For Indoor and Outdoor Pets
HealFast Therapy is a drug-free therapy for horses, cats and dogs that reduces swelling and pain while it speeds healing of muscle and tendon injuries, sores and incisions. Animal muscle and skin tissues are composed of cell networks in which cell-cell communication relies extensively on cell-cell contact. When there is an injury in soft tissue from whatever source – cut, strain, arthritis — the swelling tissues disrupt cell-cell communication and delay healing. HealFast therapy acts on the cells within a tissue boosting the energy in the cell membrane returning tissues to healthy function faster.

HealFast Therapy Benefits
- Relieves joint, muscle and tendon pain
- Reduces swelling and inflammation
- Improves mobility
- Accelerates healing of wounds, incisions, bruises, and hematomas
- Has no contra-indications or side-effects
- Works well on indoor and outdoor pets, such as horses, dogs, and cats
HealFast Therapy acts on the cells within a tissue boosting the energy in the cell membrane returning tissues to healthy function faster.
- HealFast Therapy device should not be used on animals with cardiac pacemakers, neuristimulators or any active medical implant within the area of application.
- HealFast Therapy device should not be used on animals that are pregnant.
- Healfast Therapy device is not sterile and should not be used directly over an undressed open wound. If using over an open wound, place sterile gauze between the open wound and the device. Discontinue use if rash or skin irritation occurs.
- Do not stand, walk, or put body weight on the HealFast Therapy device as it may damage the circuit. Do not attempt to alter the device, there are no serviceable parts in the HealFast Therapy device.
- HealFast Therapy device can be disposed of in a normal trash container.
- If pain or swelling persists or worsens, discontinue use and seek medical attention immediately.
For more information and pricing, please call 1-866-757-2284 Monday thru Friday 9am-4pm EST, or email info@bielcorp.com